Yesterday, I went to a witches dance community event that happened in my small city. The idea was to raise funds for the local women’s shelter. I donned on my witchy overalls (they have a pattern of full moons, owls, foxes and mushrooms) grabbed a broom that a friend had gifted me with, (the broom is quite fabulous it has a raven head carved into it, and feathers woven into the straw at the bottom) my black pointy top hat and went to mingle with the witchy types in my community. It kind of felt like the end of the movie Practical Magic (taken from an Alice Hoffman book series I highly recommend). A lot of people attended, items were auctioned off to help the shelter, and women danced together. How freaking magical is that?!? I bumped into people I knew in the community, and some I didn’t know, one was disguised as a Green Man and together we shook our hands at leaf blowers everywhere. I got to pet my friend’s dog Freya. (A big beautiful black dog that’s just love, that is all). I love my little city of Owen Sound. The city in a forest, surrounded by the hills of the escarpment and Georgian Bay.
After that, my husband and I delivered a painting to a customers/friends home and we were treated to a kidney friendly charcuterie board, great conversation and a wonderful song performance about friendships ending that almost brought me to tears, mostly because a big friendship of mine ended and the emotive lyrics resonated. Ending a magical friendship is the hardest I think because there is so much history, however I do feel that we’ve both moved on and I send blessings their way. May their lives be full and magical always.
Moon stuff today:
The Moon, the luminary that guides the tides of our emotions, and our intuition remains in busy Gemini.
The Moon conjuncts with Jupiter moving retrograde and squares with Neptune in Pisces: Misunderstandings can occur. Jupiter in Gemini can cause us to overreact if we are not careful and jump to conclusions, it could also grant us residual luck depending on which way the wind’s blowing. Neptune is the planet of Magic and mystification. It’s happy in the sign of Pisces however this may cloud our minds and our hearts for most of the morning so try to go with the flow without taking anything personally. (Oddly enough I pulled the Chariot card reversed today as my challenge card and this kind of resonates.)
Later in the evening the Moon trines with the Sun in it’s last degrees of Libra, so the dust will settle and we’ll find balance. The Moon goes void of course then for about an hour and then heads over into the loving and protective sign of Cancer, it’s then that we can start to work on clearing up misunderstandings and opening the door to communication.
Magic Spell: Candle magic today, as the moon is waning now and we’re on the edge of the start of Scorpio Season. A good one for healing would be to get a blue candle, anoint it with lavender oil and inscribe a sigil or symbol that denotes healing. There are some various symbols of healing. One that comes to mind is the eye of Horus which is also a protection symbol. After you have carved your symbol into the wax, hold on to your candle and envision this healing coming to you, surrounding you and your loved ones, wiping away all ills, see yourself happy and whole, believe in the magic. Light the candle and let it burn down to the end. (don’t leave your candle unattended, it’s good to choose a shorter candle, or to repeat this spell several times until the candle is burned down.) When the candle is spent, thank the invisibles for all their gifts and tell no one about the spell you have cast.
Art: Bit of Cheer, this lovely woman is a portrait of someone who has the kindest eyes I have ever seen.